Saturday, June 22, 2013

Turning a Corner

It's time for bed and Lizzy and Mark are getting the 'boys' ready for bed! I love the sound of that and I know they do too!! In my adjoining room, I hear Cash talking about a "a 5 year old kid that pushed me into a bamboo bush and made me cut my knee!". I'm hysterical because he is freakish about a little scratch let alone the palm sized scape he has! Mark is trying to make him laugh and not be upset about it as he sprays an anti bacterial spray on it!! It is NOT working!!! "don't hurt me daddy!!" this is too funny! Not really, but it's good to be Gaga and just listen in!

Meanwhile, our little Mac truck, Jian, has definitely turned a corner! He had a great day! We went to the 'pearl market' today and he fell asleep on Lizzy, in and out of cabs, walking in the rain, in and out of 'stinky' buildings and he was GOOD all day!!!

Why does it 'stink' so bad here???? Maybe because babies don't wear diapers but rather this strange contraption they call an outfit with a cutout for their little behinds and if they are boys, their  little  peepees' out! How strange is this concept!?!?Lizzy and I have analyzed this every which way imaginable and can't make sense of it! They teach the kids to squat wherever, whenever!!! Seriously!! I can't help but stare and wonder!! I wish I had the guts to take a picture! Maybe I will by the end of the trip!!! If you have never seen it, you would be as shocked as I am!

Jian's pictures really don't tell you how adorable he is! He bounds out of his fresh bath naked and cute as ever. He grabs 'French fries' in a can and starts eating like he skipped dinner! His hair is so course, wild, and black. His little dimples surround his sweet bud-like lips, his bottom lip is fuller than the top, I suspect because of the cleft lip on top. Oh my goodness, I can't stand it!! I love this little naked body! He has legs like my daddy! Thick! He went from Chinese noodles at every meal to McDonald's fries, Pringles chips, PASTA, greens, spicy foods, and edamame! I don't think they will have any trouble transitioning him to Lizzy's cooking! It seems he likes things room temperature, even water. As we Americans are asking for cold bottles of water, cold beer, cold soda, he prefers warm! Yuk! That is what he is used to and no air conditioning! He gets extra clothes and long sleeves so we don't die of the heat!! Lizzy asked him if he kissed Gaga goodnight. He comes over to me still naked and instead of a kiss I got a French fry! I squeezed him and just marveled at his beautiful skin!

The 'pearl market' was not what I was expecting! Another 'stinky' building and HOT! They have little fans that they point to us crazy Americans so we will be comfortable. They really are gracious people. While that is true, I still wanted a bargain and they are not bargainers. I thought about my sis, JoAnn and wondered just how she would go about it! She is much better at it than I am! I am so bad  at it that when I got back to the hotel to look at my 'goods', I realized I didn't get what I had 'bargained' for!!! Lizzy and I marched right back over (a cab ride and back into the 'stinky' building) and they apologized and made it right! JoAnn would have been proud of us!

We had to get back to the hotel to get Jian's blood test results for the tuberculosis test by noon. I thought we already had it, didn't know we were still supposed to be worried about that! Ignorance is truly bliss! It was negative, just as I suspected!!! Did they think we were going to leave my grandbaby there! Gracious but funny people they are!!

We saw our other families this morning, but no more hall parties since we are scattered throughout the hotel!!

Thank you Jesus for this much calmer day! Each day becomes a little easier and a little better!! Certainly less meltdowns! Cash is transitioning as well from only child to ready made 2 year old brother! A 2 year old under normal circumstances can be challenging, but imagine one you didn't raise to this point! I think what is making the biggest change is Jian himself. I think he is realizing we are his peeps and we are NOT leaving him. Lizzy got up to get something from the dinner table tonight and he started to whine for her. Mark pointed to Lizzy's seat and explained to him that mommy would come right back to her seat, although he never took his eyes off  her, he totally understood and stopped whining!!! PROGRESS!!

"I have no greater joy than to hear my children are walking in the truth." 3 John 1:4 This was perfect for today as we teach our children  to walk, talk, and live by His word.

For all those following me, thank you! I would humbly ask you to storm heaven with prayers for healing for my niece, Elizabeth Ida, whose was diagnosed with breast cancer while I am here in China. She is a 33 year old, amazing woman, with amazing strength of character, amazing grace, amazing faith and amazing talent. She is a treasure in our family and has a long road to hoe! Pray for miraculous healing and strength for her and her mom and sisters! Thank you prayer warriors!!!

Cash bought earrings for his girlfriend! (that's another good story!)

French Fry Boy , fresh from his bath!
                                           Going to the Pearl Market! That was an adventure!!
Going through Gaga's drawers

Jian loves Pringles too!

Mommy and Jian... happy, happy!

Noodle boy!

View from the 11th floor; that pulley is for window washers.. no scaffolding. Yikes!

Noodle brother

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to meet this little/large bundle of energy! Your blogs keep me laughing...stay safe and plug your nose!!!
