Jian wanted to go outside, and since Lizzy was cooking, I decided to take him in the stroller. I went about a half a block and was about to turn a corner when he pointed back the OTHER way, toward home, and called for "Ma, Ma!" so we turned around and went back home. He KNEW where his home was!!! Seriously! He is pretty clear about what he wants, so he wanted me to take him out of the stroller and he did not want to go in the house, but rather hold him. I held him close and he nuzzled into my neck and within 3 minutes he was sound asleep!!!! I was LOVING HIS CUDDLY LITTLE BODY IN MY ARMS!! SWEET!
So, tomorrow as our California family heads to church in the morning, there will be extra prayers of thanksgiving! We are an extremely blessed family and we know it!
Aunt Sonny was here and it was all giggles and laughter! He loves being chased and tickled, but what he really loves (but I admit I love it more!) is when I pretend like I can't find him. I yell out, "Jian, Jian, where are you? Where is Jian?" He comes barreling into my legs with arms open, wraps them tighly around my legs, and looks up at me like, "I am right here Gaga, where I belong!!!" PRICELESS!!
I personally passed out on the couch while Cash had Scooby full blast on the TV and Jian was coloring with Aunt Sonny. I was super tired I guess! I needed it, too!!!!! Giggle, giggle!
I know Aunt Idie is chomping at the bit to be with him!!! Don't be jealous, Idie, you will have them all to yoursel, along with mommy, daddy, Aunt Sonny, Sammy, Lizzy, Buddy, Michael, Aunt Nicole and Alyssa! Make it count!!!
Mark and I were talking tonight (precious time we get to spend talking at night while Lizzy puts Jian down) about our trip and being able to write some thoughts down through the blog. One day Jian may enjoy reading these pages and seeing how loved he was from the get go!!! I may be 90 by the time he reads them, but he will appreciate them one day. Mark was sharing comments from one of his long time friends. I loved Mark's reply to the email and asked if I could put it here in the blog. These are his words and I loved what he had to say:
"Glad to be back. China was a great experience but happy to be home. Jian has us and the world by the shorties and knows it. He is hilarious, a joker and awesome. Cash is warming to the challenge but it is one, a big one, taking on a baby bro who comes in at 2 with a fully fueled motor. Jian was made for us. I can't say it any other way. I can't imagine someone else being his parents or us adopting someone different. This is our guy. And I think he definitely agrees.
That said the trip was a lesson in humility. You know I'm not much of a bible thumper but the efforts from adoptive parents and volunteers we saw was amazing. Some strangers on the street stopped us and gave us a thumbs up and bowed. We are not worthy but it was still moving. One of our guides said orphans in china have 0% chance of adoption in china, which may be feel good stuff but wow, seeing at least 6 kids joined with families they didn't know they could have was right up there with anything I've done. It was one of the most human experiences ever hanging out I the hotel hall with other parents and their new kids all trying to adjust and weather the storm. Hello perspective."
As I was starting to write tonight, there was a soft knock on my door. Mark wanted to share one more thing with me. While Lizzy was trying desperately to figure out how to download the over 1,000 pictures I took and Mark and I were chatting, Cash went into Lizzy and Mark 's bedroom and crawled into bed with his brother! I wish I could have taken a picture, but it was too dark! PRICELESS!!
All is working out better than we could have possibly imagined in the Lahive home. On the East coast homefront, Elizabeth Ida had clean margins and lymph nodes came back negative. She still has decisions to make and Drs. to consult with. Please keep praying, that's our most powerful defense! Thank you for praying and sharing your thoughts on our blog! I am keeping your comments for Jian as well. I think they will be just as important to him!
Aunt Sonny and Jian taking a coloring break! Look at Cash in the background! Serious game!
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