Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A little touring never hurt

Our group decided to check out the Chinese museum! While Cash and Mark decided to pool it at the hotel, Lizzy, Jian and myself decided to take a go at it! Since Jian's favorite thing to do seems to get into anything that MOVES, we decided this was a good idea! And it was, he was so good today! He loves buses and cars!

Chinese history is amazing! They have food , wine, water basins, and musical instruments that date back over 800 years BC! Some articles were not even excavated until the 1970's! Gold and jade from emperor tombs were found some dating over 6,000 years ago! Talk about history!! It was quite fascinating!

By the time Jian ate lunch and we got back to the hotel, he was exhausted! He feel asleep in my arms and we decided to put him in my room so Lizzy could spend some quiet time with Cassius! When he woke up, he was a little bear! MELTDOWN time!

If you didn't see it you may not believe it, but all these precious little people seem to be experiencing the same things at one minute or the other! Even little Tyn, who seems to be the happiest little nugget, has had nugget meltdowns. They are all so individual, yet alike in so many ways. They hoard. Jian wants to collect things and hold on to EVERYTHING! What he can't fit in his little fists, he tries to cram under his thigh! May Lin wants to eat ALL the time, but she is tiny, so you  know that is not what she is used to. Jenna, we call her Hollywood, (how does a beautiful little girl learn fashion sense at 3!!??) likes to wear all kinds of clothes, sometimes all at once, Bella will be perfectly adorable playing with her sister giggling and then all of a sudden sprawl out on the floor in a full screaming fit!! All these little guys seemed to have had some kind of chest congestion, so they may not feel all that well on top of all the big changes in their lives. Lena, our tiniest, is getting better with each day! Each one has a special personality and a special place in all of our hearts!!

Tomorrow morning we visit the orphanage where Jian was originally left. It will be an emotional experience for all of us. Not sure how Cash will react, but it will be a good thing for us to see.  Sometimes we need to see first hand so that we are more appreciative of what we have. I may take some pictures for Jian for later, maybe not.

When we come back, our 6 families are going to celebrate Cash 's 6th birthday. Lizzy arranged to have PIZZA  (I know, really, in China) and FRENCH FRIES delivered to our meeting ground (the hotel hallway)!! We all meet at one time or another and sit on the floor in the hallway, with all our doors open, talking, commiserating, watching the kids run, walk room to room, cry, throw fits, play and get loved on! Little Jenna let me hug her and she kissed me tonight before bed! Her mom said I was the first one she did that with!!! Stinker Jian wanted me to give him water from my water bottle, which I did, and he held it in his month and think let it drip down his shirt! He thought he was so funny, so this became a game he did over and over. I bribed him to give me a kiss FIRST and he did!!! SEVERAL! Could I be more in love! I am so sad Paul and my other kids aren't here to experience this! They will soon meet Jian and fall in love as I am!!  I definitely think he understands a LOT more than we thought and a LOT of English! His beautiful smile is enough to melt a glacier!!! Oh my, I love that kid!!!

Wherever you live, try not to complain about traffic! Oh my goodness, this is not a clean city to begin with, but between the cars, buses, bikes and motorbikes, this is a crazy place to have to cross a street! Tonight we walked to a LOCAL restaurant, a nice change from the hotel food, and it was DANGEROUS to me! I was glad Cassius went to dinner with Connor's family closer to the hotel! Jeez!

Oh, this is funny, but NOT! At the museum today, a man "hocked" and "spit" right on the marble floor of the museum!! Did he NOT see the sign that said "NO SPITTING"???????!!!!!!! GROSS!!!! GROSS!! GROSS!!

For all my MARY KAY family, I miss you and look forward to ending our Seminar year with a bang! You don't need me nearly as much as I need you! This is all in God's hands as you wrap up our unit goals together!!! Congratulations to DIQ's DeeDee Bias and Dawn Neitzey and their blossoming teams!!!

Thank you Lisa for posting all my blogs and pics!!! It is so hard to choose which ones to send!! I have taken a million pics!!!!

                                                        Mark and Jian! How sweet is he?!

                                                                      Jian and Maylin.

                                                                       This is just crazy!!

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