Saturday, June 29, 2013

Home sweet home!!

We are over the moon excited to be home (well, at least in the good old USA!)!! I will be back in Maryland on Monday! Can't wait to see my honey and the rest of the babies and family!! 

What a trip to remember! I can't thank God too many times for all the graces and miracles He continually provided for us during these last 3 weeks! I thank Him for giving me Mark and Lizzy and this incredible opportunity to share these precious days with them!! And this list goes on!

We got to the airport without any drama albeit in 2 cabs!! Did you know they don't use cars seats in China! What is that about?!? So, when your cab driver actually has the opportunity to put the metal to the pedal, he does it in full throttle!! Crazy! 

The plane ride was delightful! Same incredible little bedroom-like cubicles that we had on the way to Beijing! Thank you God for Mark!!  Who knew Jian  would sleep 10 out of the 13 in flight hours! He was so good, I think he made Lizzy nervous! He surprised us all! Yay for Jian! Maybe he realized he had his very own bed! Cash was great, as well! A man on the plane stopped me to ask me if I brought my whole family with me. I had to suppress a laugh! It wasn't him, he just doesn't know MY family. I did have to answer him so I just told him just a few of us came! Blessed!

We arrived at LAX, expecting long lines and delays since we were bringing in the new kid on the block! So we get in line for US residents, get checked in, and the man who checked us in directed us to yet another area where he informed us that we would have to wait for about an hour to get Jian "welcomed to America"! What the heck did that mean?? Our little family filed down to the other end where the women behind the desk told us to go get our luggage and maybe she could have it done by then! We retrieved our luggage in record time and went directly back and Jian's 'papers' were ready! Then we headed to the customs line. We took a deep breath and headed in that direction where there were extremely long lines. Since Jian had slept so well, we were all wondering how he would be for this adventure. A FABULOUSLY WONDERFUL gentleman directed us to a 'special' line where he took down the rope to let us through and viola!!! We were out!!! Seriously, that quick! A God thing for sure!

Aunt Sonny was waiting with a house full of balloons, Jian and Cash's ceiling was filled, and a big WELCOME HOME JIAN banner splashed across the front of the house!!! We were so excited to see her and Jian took to her immediately!! She even got kisses!!! I sure hope Aunt Ida and Aunt Nicole get the same reception!!!! 

Bath time was nothing short of fun! It was so precious to see Jian fit in as if he had been here all along!! He knows he's home!!!

The only 'glitch' we seem to have is, where do we put him to sleep! We thought he would sleep with Cash. That didn't seem to work. Then Aunt Sonny got him a play pen bed and he climbed out within 2 seconds! So, that didn't work either! He did, however, fall fast asleep in mommy and daddy's bed! 

He is soooooo home! God is soooooooo good!

How cute! This is his blowfish look!!

I am officially American!!!!

First bath in his new home!

First bedtime attempt!!


  1. Aunt I,

    I'm so happy you all made it home safe and sound!! Love you all and have really enjoyed following your journey to adopt Jian. God has been SO GOOD to our entire family these past few weeks! So much to be grateful for.

    Love you!! And can't wait to meet Jian in a month!


  2. Welcome home!!!!! I loved reading your blog, you have a great writing style!
    It is so wonderful being home. Li Na is in love with her Daddy and big sisters, and has such fun exploring the house.
    Thank you again for all your help and encouragement in China. God Bless!
