Friday, June 14, 2013


This morning was certainly not like any other morning! This morning 6 families would be adding a new little human being into their home, hearts, and family! Everyone was nervous. Everyone was excited! Everyone was tired!! No one slept very well the night before including me and I wasn't the one adopting! What an HONOR to be a part of!

All the parents met in the lobby for some briefing and instructions! Apparently paperwork done in a timely and perfectly filled out manner is of utmost importance! Lizzy and the others have  been carrying around at LEAST a 1/2 of a ream of paper everywhere they go for fear of losing them! The briefing included things like don't expect your child to attach to you right away, periods of adjustment, crying, blah, blah, blah. It sounded quite daunting to me!!! But, then she said, you could be lucky!!! Well, this little band of parents were on the 'lucky' bus! We all know that luck has nothing to do with this sort of thing, but so be it! BLESSED, ANYONE?!?

We went to the 'courthouse' for lack of a better word. It was like a town hall type of building. We walked right into the room that the babies would arrive in! There were 2 small couches and a small table with a few chairs around it. There was a desk with a man sitting behind it where each parent would be filling out more papers and signing them. Everyone had bags and bags of 'things'. Things for the orphanage to be left behind and things for their new baby! It was a frenzy of love and excitement! Getting to know these families has been a privilege! As we drove up, we spotted a man carrying a small baby, she looked to be about 9 months, but she was actually 14 months. She looked so tiny and frail. Her mother squealed with delight because it was her baby and she instantly recognized her! We all piled into this large room and knowing she would be the first to receive her baby, we were all "in it" together! She was alone as her husband was home with her other 2 girls. She had adopted once before. This little sweetie was born with a hole in her heart, but has since closed. I was able to video her receiving her in her arms for the first time! What can I say, we were all blubbering! It was beautiful! Next was our young couple who have 2 little boys at home and were adopting a little girl! What a beauty! Next, a man came in carrying 2 children, one in each arm!!!  The little girl was definitely testing her lung capacity and the boy was looking at her scared to death. For her, not for himself! I can hardly write this because the whole morning was almost surreal.....It was our Jian! He recognized Lizzy!!!! No kidding!!!!  ( I had made one of those snapfish picture books of us about 6 months ago and Lizzy sent it to him so he would not be surprised and maybe even recognize us!) He had no hesitation when he melted into her arms!!! He fit like a glove! He kept looking back at the screaming little girl that came in with him, he was very concerned! (by the way, by the end of the day, the screamer turned into Miss Hollywood and couldn't get enough of her parents!)

Back to our little guy...Cassius wanted to kiss him and Jian giggled at him! SUCCESS, THE BROTHERS  ARE IN LOVE! He looked at his daddy (Mark) and again, no hesitation, instant recognition! We all waited and greeted the new kids on the block together! What a joy! Not at all what I had expected! If I had to be brutally honest, I would say with a full heart, that EACH baby was ready made for the parents they were given! Isn't God awesome!!!!!!!!

The adoption group put us all in a row at the Crown Plaza, so we are getting to know all these little guys! Jian is the only boy and the BIGGEST! He has wide Fred Flintstone feet, head full of dark hair, sparkling eyes, the most beautiful smile and the most contagious giggle ever!! Did I mention he loves his Gaga? It is as if we always had him!!!  I just can't get over how well he fits in! He loves snuggling on Lizzy's chest but readily goes to Mark! He giggles EVERY time Cassius kisses him! He is extremely playful and loves to tease! He loves noodles which means he will love pasta!!!  I can't wait till the rest of the family meets him!

We took him to dinner and to the pool, he ran up and town the hallway, always keeping Lizzy in clear view!! He wanted to aggravate Cash while he was watching a movie. I  caught Cash rolling his eyes when Jian closed the video player! True brothers! It was so cute to watch!!!

Tomorrow they go someplace else for more paperwork!!  This country is so crowded, where do they keep it all!!! I think I will take Cash to the pool tomorrowwhile they spend their day doing that with Jian!

We went to "WALMART", not quite what we are used to but non the less....we walked. Don't forget we climbed the Great Wall yesterday! Now Mark has me walking again and he has long legs which means for every 1 of his strides, I need 2! Yet another workout!! People get around her on bikes from 1950 and moped looking things! It's like taking your life into someone else's hands!! No bueno!!  Talk about crowded! It was worse than New York city at Christmas!!!

So, now I am going to bed and thank God for this glorious day! I still can't believe it!!!!
Make it a miracle filled day!

                                                                  First there were 3!
                                                                        Pre-baby pics!
                                                          Cassius capturing first photos!
                                 Sweet (most likely a scared) moment! Have to admit, it made me tear
                                                         up just imagining what they were in for!
                                    Oh my! Look at Mommy's face! WOW!! Beyond beautiful!

                                                                 Hello! I'm here to stay!!

                                                            Loves his family already!!

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