Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Visit to the Orphanage

Today we went to the orphanage where Jian was dropped off at the "gate" when he was less than a month old. Jian picked his own clothes out today! Ironically, he picked out the same outfit we picked him up in a week ago. It was his  Georgia jersey and kaki shorts that we were told was his favorite outfit. Lizzy said he picked it up and hugged it!! Sniff!!  Lizzy, Mark, Cassius, myself and one other mom, Tina (her little girl spent the last few  months here) went together with Rita, our guide. When we drove up, I think we collectively got a sick, nauseated feeling. I wasn't expecting that at all. We got out of the van and there were several kids waiting to be adopted (9-12 year olds) but probably never will, playing in the yard. Remember, each baby/child here has some kind of "special need" from downs, cleft, hip displacement, developmental issues, heart disease, malformed limbs, and the list goes on.

 We walked up to the door filled with trepidation. The staff was very friendly and took us from one room to the other. A room with a huge equatic tub with 2 tiny babies getting water therapy, a room for speech therapy, a room filled with about a dozen 2-3 year olds, a room with endless cribs, one room filled with pink ones and one room filled with blue ones. Another filled filled with youth beds and yet another room filled with medical equipment and a nurse! The beds were side by side, tightly placed in the room. We got to see where Jian slept and one staff member said she remembered him. He was only there 6 months, so not sure how good her memory was.  Although she could have meant she remembered him from a week ago!! Jian laid quietly on Lizzy's chest throughout the 'tour'. Sometimes he let out a small whine and Lizzy just held him tighter and told him "momma is here". He was comforted. Jian was taken  BACK to this orphanage for a whole week (that we know of) just before we got him. That explains why he was so quiet and clinging to Lizzy. Sweet baby boy!!! He is now where is was always meant to be! He sure didn't want to go back! Some parents don't take the kids back to see the orphanage at this stage because the grieving starts over and they want to stay where things were familiar.

I had 2 feelings, these are mine not anyone else's. One was 'yuk!', It's stinky, dirty, hot, sweaty, the bathroom was, shall we say, less then desirable, and the tub was not a tub but a room with 3 old small shower heads where they rinsed off the kids. My other feeling was total humility! These hard working men and women were caring and loving. They lovingly held these babies, ALL with specials needs. They were extremely humbled but happy that we wanted to take their picture! There was a new 7 day old baby there. Lizzy asked if he was spoken for. They told us that they wait a year to even be considered adoptable to see if they will SURVIVE and what their other special needs may be!!! Wow! Yes, it was definitely a humbling experience! Our Jian is a BIG healthy boy! We are so grateful!

When we entered one of the first rooms, there was a very low table with a few grown kids (my guess 10-14) and they were doing a craft with some of the staff. Along 2 walls were lined with glass enclosed cubbies. Inside each cubicle was a craft made by the children. Any purchases you made was a donation to the orphanage. Cash asked his parents if he could purchase something so he picked out a picture of a fish. After our 'tour' he decided to purchase another craft so he could make a donation! Every staff member was sweet and wanted to touch Cash or smile at him and talk to him (in Chinese)! Those Chinese words he learned have taken him pretty far on this trip!!

We went to the main office where Tina was given a baggie with a red 'bib' that Jenna wore while she was there. It didn't look like a bib. Rita explained that in the Chinese culture they wear this as a "belly button" cover. They believe that if the belly button is uncovered, the air will get in and they will get sick! One more thing to consider!!!

Lizzy and Mark were given a baggie with a 2 page letter from his 'birth mother'. The letter was attached to him when he was left at the "gate". Rita gave us the gist of it, but Lizzy will ask Mimi to write it in detail so she know every word. (thank you Mimi) The letter said how she was sorry that she could not care for Jian or his needs. She repeated over and over how thankful she is to the family who would adopt him. She said he was destined for greatness. They called him Doctor. And they named him Pan. She repeated over and over, thank you, thank you. How do you spell E-M-O-T-I-O-N-A-L!!!????

So, as we were leaving, they told us the "gate" he was left at, wasn't the "gate" we came through! The gate we came through was under construction and very colorful. Did we get nauseated for nothing?! The driver drove us to the other side of the large building through what looked to me like a war zone! The road was not like anything I have ever seen in my life. A pothole I have seen! This was like 2 feet deep and 8 feet wide of muddy water and huge drops like an edge of a short cliff on a very primitive dirt/concrete road. Now I'm REALLY nauseated!!  I was picturing a lonely mother and maybe dad, walking down this wet, dreary, horrible road, to drop off this precious bundle at the "gate". Cash thought is was a trash dump, but nonetheless, got out of the van to take a look. I will send a picture, but quite frankly, the picture doesn't tell the story!!

So tonight we are celebrating Cash's 6th birthday in the hallway with our 6 beautiful families with all 6 new family members! Jian is a doll baby until things don't go his way. Like when he eats a crayon and his mom tells him no. MELTDOWN!! Our little Drama Queen, Bella, is throwing herself on the ground this evening and Jenna "is not happy" says Tina!

What I am loving is watching the growth of these kids. Jian started singing. He is using his voice but not words, although he does say 2 words: no and mine! He knows 2 French songs, lots of American kiddie songs that our kids grew up with and some we may not be sure of. We LOVE to hear him sing 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star'. Oh and the clean up song!

I am sending this early so I can help Lizzy with Cash's celebration and pack up! We leave early in the morning for Guangzhou to get Jians visa!! We are getting closer!!!!!!!!! Keep us all in prayer for safe travel!!!

Craft Room

Warzone! Seriously???? This is the street to get to the orphanage!

The new gate

Heading into the orphanage

The gate where Jian was left

Get me out of here!

Jian's bed

Jian making plane reservations to come home!

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