Sunday, June 9, 2013

First stop: LA AIRPORT!

Today was a beautiful day in Manhattan Beach! Went to church this morning and Cassius wanted to show me a "secret garden" nestled in the back of the church! We sat down and Cash asked me how to talk to God. I told him you thank Him for all He has given you and just talk to him the way you would talk to your best best. Cash: "God, if dad asks you how to beat that game (the one they had been playing for the last few days) don't tell him."

I think reality of what we were about to embark on started yesterday! As we settled down for night, Sonny headed home, Lizzy put Cash down and Mark and I settled in the family room to discuss. I loved listening to Mark talk about Cash and Jian. We learned more about Jian in the last 2 weeks. All indications are that this sweet little boy will fit splendidly into our big fat loving family, however, the reality is, Jian is coming into a strange family and leaving everything he has known for the last 2 years. 
As Mark and Lizzy ponder what could be going through Jians little head! I am sure all our worries will be over soon!!

I want to write more but we just boarded the plane. I was thinking this is going to be a crazy flight and we get on the plane and I am in my own "room" "pod", I don't know because I have NEVER seen anything like it, but I LOVE it! And right now, I am loving my son-in-law! Bye for now, we are off!!!!!

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