Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Hong Kong!!

Well, our adventure is coming to an end in just a few short days! Today we left the China Hotel and instead of flying, Mark got us a driver and we drove. It wasn't a bad drive at all. In fact, as we traveled along, I marveled at the wonder of the world. Trees, mountains, clouds, flowers, all a beautiful sight. I guess in some ways, it is all the same, God's creation!! I was able to get in rosaries and prayers for Elizabeth today! 

HOWEVER, not all things are created equally!! For instance, our potty break was a squatty potty and, yes, you guessed it, "STINKY"!!!

I guess I am not the sharpest tool in the shed (perhaps the brightest crayon, however) but I don't think I realized we would be crossing a border!! The first border stop was to LEAVE China. They checked all our passports and had to take a 2nd look at Cash since he was sporting his surfer long hairdo in his passport picture! We never got out of the car. About 50 yards farther, we stopped at another border point to ENTER Hong Kong!! Cash got a 2nd look there, too!! That was a painless, funny experience!

Mark surprised me and Lizzy with a 2 day RELAXATION ADVENTURE in Hong Kong! As we drove up to the Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong, I couldn't help but think of my brother, Geaton, and all the time we spent in Boston at the Ritz there! Although it wasn't a great time in our lives, Geaton managed to make it a good time always!!!

We walked into the most enormous building I have ever seen in my life!! There  were no less than 6 men and women just waiting to wait on us!! It was fabulous!!! We never touched our bags!! Gotta love that since we added 2 more!! We are on the 107th floor! My ears popped on the elevator going up! Our rooms are stunning! When we walked into the room, the drapes automatically opened! They opened up to the HONG KONG in a very big way! Buildings and buildings and more  buildings! We are so far up! You can see mountains and I think we are IN the clouds!!! Water with cruise ships. Ok, we have a coffee pot, but if that doesn't meet your liking, you also get a single cup coffee pot with a lacquered box full of gourmet coffees!!! Just fabulously delicious! 

Cash really wanted to go to the pool, so we went to the 118th floor and there was an olympic size pool with 3 jacuzzi pools that I could see! White couches and white lounging areas with tons of fluffy white pillows and navy towels and white wicker lounge chairs set in the water that was just 6 inches on one end and the perimeter of the pool! The tile around the pool and in the pool was 50 shades of sea blue tiles with little pearl tiles here and there! The walls seems to glitter and shine so I took a closer look. It looked like swirly roses with baby twinkle lights that flicker softly on and off. It was all white. The boys had such a good time!! It was such a heart warming, beautiful, loving site to watch all 4 of them playing in the water enjoying each other! Jian was happier than all the days put together and giggled and played in the water and giggled some more! I think since the first day we got Jian, this is the first day he did not have a meltdown and it seemed like this was the first day he realized he is here to stay with this family! I could have cried watching! Such a humbling and beautiful experience for me!! Yes!!! 

We came back to the room and there were 3 tangerines and a square black lacquered plate of 6 chocolate dipped strawberries nestled on a bed of tiny round chocolate balls!! How do you spell YUMMY! I am a little oinker, I ate them ALLLLLL!! All by MYSELF!!!

We got room service for dinner, nothing like room service at the Ritz! Of course, yummy again!!

It is such a joy to watch Jian play with his mom, dad, and Cash. He is a little teaser! He teases everyone! He is very playful but not so interested in toys. Maybe he didn't have many so he doesn't know what to do with them! I do know that when you tell him anything, he remembers it!

It will be a who,e new ball game as he gets introduced to his California surroundings. I pray it will be better than they are anticipating. Lizzy said she may have to call Aunt Sonny to get a sleeping thing, maybe a playpen, for him since he seems to beat Lizzy up in his sleep!! He his a brute!! An irresistible little brute and he is OFFICIALLY ours!!!

Loves his food!!

Jian loves Gaga's glasses!!

Leaving for Hong Kong! Picture with Grace! She was a doll and was especially kind!!!!

On the ride to Hong Kong, Lizzy is trying to entertain the boys with stickers!!

Family Fun!!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading about all of your adventures on your way home with your new grandson Jian and Lizzy and Mark's sons, Cash and Jian. I can't wait to hear more about it when you get home. I am sure Cash will have some great stories for me!
    I love and miss you all and am glad these last couple of days have been so amazing. Love Betty
