Wow! Amazing! Here we go! Last night we checked into the Crown Plaza in Beijing. We got settled and decided to go for a walk around the area. Since it started to 'drizzle', we grabbed our rain gear and umbrellas. About 2 seconds into our walk, it came down like cats and dogs!!! BIG ONES! Cash wanted a trinket, so rather than walk into this tiny store, I decided I would stay right outside since I had this great umbrella to protect me! Within a minute, the umbrella, the great one, started leaking!!! Cash could not stop laughing at my broken umbrella! Glad I could be his entertainment! It did make for some adorable pictures!
This morning we packed up and headed to the GREAT WALL OF CHINA!!! I was so excited because they weren't sure we would have time!!! Before we headed out, we met the other 5 families from America that will also be picking up their babies with us tomorrow. Over the course of the day, I got to know a little about each family. This is what I learned: besides the fact that they share a like mindedness, God has truly equipped this little band of baby seekers with a calling (to which they answered to), strength, and empowerment, just to name a few. They are neither average nor mediocre. What I see is a group of men, women, and children taking advantage of the destiny God has planned for them! I am in complete awe of each and every one of them! One mom came to get their 2nd adopted daughter, while her husband stayed home with their other 2 girls. One couple, who have 3 birth children, are adopting their 3rd baby. Another, have 3 and adopting their first. Another couple, their first, another young couple have 2 little boys at home waiting for their brother! And of course, Lizzy and Mark adding to their family of one little Cassius! Wow! It was just incredibly humbling to sit and watch and listen to their stories and just be dumbstruck! They share yet another commonality, all of them have massive faith! They all prayed about and asked for God's favor. Psalm 2:8 says, " Ask Me and I will give you the nations as your inheritance." What an inheritance! Please pray for these 6 families when you read this! They will need lots of perseverance, patience, and sleep!! They all have lots of LOVE!! There is so much I could say about these incredible people......what an honor to meet them and spend time with them. One mom asked me what Mark and Lizzy had to do to get me to come. I am so honored, ecstatic and humbled that they would even ask me! They both have such gentle souls! I was watching Lizzy journal her thoughts for Jian to someday read. My heart sang with joy and pride for both of them!
So, we get to the GREAT WALL with our little group. There are 2 other kids with us, besides Cash. And as God would have it , one of the kids is a little boy less than a year older than Cash! What good fortune! Cash said he was his best friend and they had a splendid time together!!! They were so dang cute together, especially for airport waiting and bus rides!! They played iPad games and chatted like 2 old men!!
Those of you who know me, Know I am not very athletic, ok, so I'm not athletic at all, HOWEVER, I kept up and trudged up those steps and back down! This is NOT an easy task! The steps are worn, uneven, and some were very high for a short legged girl!!! Some parts were built over 2,000 years old and looked it! But, It was majestic! AND, yes, my legs are very sore!!! Would have hated to miss it, though!! What an experience! We headed to lunch where I ate oxtail soup! It was quite good, actually! Who knew? Then our tour guide took us to the JADE store, where we saw them carve it, showed us good jade from "pretend" jade and what some of the carvings symbolized. Very educating! I spent a few duckets there!! While I was 'purchasing', Mark came over to see what I was buying. The women behind the counter thought he was my husband!!! Poor Mark! They were surprised and told Mark I looked so young, Mark told them, "she IS young!" We had a good chuckle with that one!!
Our tour guide told the history of how in China you could only have 1 child. He said for 30 years they suffered with that 'edict' for lack of a better word. He said now its not that way. There are a LOT of people in China, I think he said 8 million, but I had a little trouble with the accent!
We took another bus ride to the airport to FINALLY fly to Zhenzhou where we will get Jian!!! Cash opted to sit with his new friends' family on the plane ride. He sat on the end seat and asked his mother for his camera. You will not believe this, he wanted to take a picture of the stewardess!!! You should have seen his frustration as he pointed the camera to get a shot of her, but she was so busy whipping up and down the isles, he kept missing her!!! It was hysteical. All these women, and in Hong King as well, are stunning! He has an eye for beautiful women!! No wonder MARY KAY does so well in China, their makeup was impeccable! Most of them either wear false eyelashes or eye lash extensions. perfect skin!
We leave early in the morning to go to pick Jian up and do more paperwork!!! Not sure what is on the agenda, but they said it will be a long day!!! It will be a day filled with high emotion, joy and thanksgiving! All of the families will be together, so I am bringing a box of kleenex with me!!
Oh, here's the funniest part, I used my first "squatty potty"! Bye for now!