Sunday, February 21, 2016

on the way to the wall

Wow! Amazing! Here we go! Last night we checked into the Crown Plaza in Beijing. We got settled and decided to go for a walk around the area. Since it started to 'drizzle', we grabbed our rain gear and umbrellas. About 2 seconds into our walk, it came down like cats and dogs!!! BIG ONES! Cash wanted a trinket, so rather than walk into this tiny store, I decided I would stay right outside since I had this great umbrella to protect me! Within a minute, the umbrella, the great one, started leaking!!! Cash could not stop laughing at my broken umbrella! Glad I could be his entertainment! It did make for some adorable pictures!

This morning we packed up and headed to the GREAT WALL OF CHINA!!! I was so excited because they weren't sure we would have time!!! Before we headed out, we met the other 5 families from America that will also be picking up their babies with us tomorrow.  Over the course of the day, I got to know a little about each family. This is what I learned: besides the fact that they share a like mindedness, God has truly equipped this little band of baby seekers with a calling (to which they answered to), strength, and empowerment, just to name a few. They are neither average nor mediocre. What I see is a group of men, women, and children taking advantage of the destiny God has planned for them! I am in complete awe of each and every one of them! One mom came to get their 2nd adopted daughter, while her husband stayed home with their other 2 girls. One couple, who have 3 birth children, are adopting their 3rd baby. Another, have 3 and adopting their first. Another couple, their first, another young couple have 2 little boys at home waiting for their brother! And of course, Lizzy and Mark adding to their family of one little Cassius!  Wow! It was just incredibly humbling to sit and watch and listen to their stories and just be dumbstruck! They share yet another commonality, all of them have massive faith! They all prayed about and asked for God's favor.  Psalm 2:8 says, " Ask Me and I will give you the nations as your inheritance."  What an inheritance! Please pray for these 6 families when you read this! They will need lots of perseverance, patience, and sleep!! They all have lots of LOVE!!  There is so much I could say about these incredible people......what an honor to meet them and spend time with them. One mom asked me what Mark and Lizzy had to do to get me to come. I am so honored, ecstatic and humbled that they would even ask me! They both have such gentle souls! I was watching Lizzy journal her thoughts for Jian to someday read. My heart sang with joy and pride for both of them!

So, we get to the GREAT WALL with our little group. There are 2 other kids with us, besides Cash. And as God would have it , one of the kids is a little boy less than a year older than Cash! What good fortune! Cash said he was his best friend and they had a splendid time together!!! They were so dang cute together, especially for airport waiting and bus rides!! They played iPad games and chatted like 2 old men!! 
Those of you who know me, Know I am not very athletic, ok, so I'm not athletic at all, HOWEVER, I kept up and trudged up those steps and back down! This is NOT an easy task! The steps are worn, uneven, and some were very high for a short legged girl!!! Some parts were built over 2,000 years old and looked it! But,  It was majestic! AND, yes, my legs are very sore!!! Would have hated to miss it, though!! What an experience! We headed to lunch where I ate oxtail soup! It was quite good, actually! Who knew? Then our tour guide took us to the JADE store, where we saw them carve it, showed us good jade from "pretend" jade and what some of the carvings symbolized. Very educating! I spent a few duckets  there!! While I was  'purchasing', Mark came over to see what I was buying. The women behind the counter thought he was my husband!!! Poor Mark! They were surprised and told Mark I looked so young, Mark told them, "she IS young!" We had a good chuckle with that one!!
Our tour guide told the history of how in China you could only have 1 child. He said for 30 years they suffered with that 'edict' for lack of a better word. He said now its not that way. There are a LOT of people in China, I think he said 8 million, but I had a little trouble with the accent! 
We took another bus ride to the airport to FINALLY fly to Zhenzhou where we will get Jian!!!  Cash opted to sit with his new friends' family on the plane ride. He sat on the end seat and asked his mother for his camera. You will not believe this, he wanted to take a picture of the stewardess!!! You should have seen his frustration as he pointed the camera to get a shot of her, but she was so busy whipping up and  down the isles, he kept missing her!!! It was hysteical. All these women, and in Hong King as well, are stunning! He has an eye for beautiful women!! No wonder MARY KAY does so well in China, their  makeup  was impeccable! Most of them either wear false eyelashes or eye lash extensions. perfect skin! 
We leave early in the morning to go to pick Jian up and do more paperwork!!! Not sure what is on the agenda, but they said it will be a long day!!! It will be a day filled with high emotion, joy and thanksgiving! All of the families will be together, so I am bringing a box of kleenex with me!!
Oh, here's the funniest part, I used my first "squatty potty"! Bye for now!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mommy and Daddy's first trip away from "kids" ever!!

January 24-29, 2014

About a month ago, Lizzy called to ask if there was any possibility that I could come to California and keep the boys for 5 days. Mark had a little "business" to take care of in PARIS!!! And he wanted his wife to go with him! Without hesitation, I said "YES!".   I don't think I have heard Lizzy squeal with such excitement as when I said YES!! I couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend time with both Cassius and Jian! While I am totally entrenched in my Mary Kay business, with so much growth this year, I know I can travel and still stay on top of things! It is a blessing to know I have such incredible directors at home to count on as well! I know, any other job, I would have been fired!

Mark, once again, reminded me what a 'PRINCESS' I truly am when Nicole and I checked in at the airport to find ourselves in FIRST CLASS! Gotta love that guy!! I should have had a clue when he texted me with a message that began with, "Here is your itinerary Princess"! 

So, the time came for the 'parents' to take off and I'd being lying if I didn't admit I was a little concerned about keeping the boys  schedules and their daily emotional roller coasters! Thank God Nicole is with me! 

Have you ever seen the TV reality show "WIFE SWAP"? Each spouse who is doing the 'swap' gets a 'manual' of daily activities and goings on within the family logistics. Well, I asked for one and I got it!! Lizzy must have spent a LOT of time compiling it. So it is TRULY a MANUAL!

My first real assignment was to pick Cash up from school. I got lost. I was nearly 6 minutes lare! NO BUENO!!! I can only imagine what was going on in that kids head! "Great, she's going to be late everyday. Can't wait to see what else she has planned."

The boys surprised both Nicole and myself and have been a dream. Mark and Lizzy have been working so diligently and consistently on finding ways to control meltdowns, eating habits (if you recall, he was hoarding food, etc), bath time and everything else that comes with a ready made 2 year old!! Oh, BTW, he is a month older than previously thought. All his Chinese adoption papers say his birthday is in April when in fact it is in March! The papers can't be changed and the beat goes on……. Again, I and repeat, NOTHING was easy about this process!!

So we have jumped on mini trampolines (they each have their own. One of the hardest things to put into some kind of semblance is the fact that Jian MUST have whatever Cash has or it is not PRETTY!) Thus, 2 of these things and I'm not crazy about them! They jump like crazy on them! And lets not forget to mention 2 lime green scooters. You wouldn't believe how agile Jian is and how he can control it at such a FAST speed! He is funny, a tease and smart! He has gained weight and eats like a truck driver. When he gets upset, the precious little round bottom lip turns down and it is VERY hard to resist! My challenge was to not UNDO what Lizzy and Mark have worked to hard to gain these last 7 months. I don't remember life without Jian. He comes with a bundle of new challenges but more love, hugs, kisses, giggles, and blessings than a family can imagine!

Running to 2 different schools and different times has been a challenge for me since I am directionally challenged! I think I have it down now! (now that they are coming home today, of course, I have it down!!)

Our most challenging day was 2nd day and it started out OK. Jian seemed a little off, quiet. So, I walk into his school and it is rather quiet. Not the hustle bustle day when Lizzy and I went together. Jian seemed like he was a little thrown by that part, but we continued through the school to where all the other gazillion 2-3 years were playing. I put him down and he went OFF. I mean OFF!!! Screaming, holding on to me for dear life!! Now, I have raised 5 of my own kids, plus I was with my sister-in-law JoAnn's 5 girls just as much as my own, so I thought I had this kid thing down. OH NO!!!!! Being Grandmom is a WHOLE new ballgame. I couldn't leave him there, yet I knew how hard Lizzy had worked to get to this point with him! JEEZ!!!!!! So, one of the teachers says, "He will be fine. Give him to me. I promise you he will stop as soon as you are gone. Call here in 10 minutes and I will let you know how he is. If not, you can come back and get him." OH MY GOODNESS!!! REALLY????
As Jian screamed, I could feel my own eyes filling up. What is with me??? I have done this a million times. With much trepidation on my part and no nonsense on the part of the teacher, she PRYED him off me!! WAAAAAAAAA! I was soaked with snot and tears!! In addition to some of my own as well!!!! WAAAA!

But no, the day did not end there!!! At the appointed time, I picked up Cassius first and proceeded to pick up Jian as well! All was good in the world of Jian when I picked him up! He ran into my arms with his famously gorgeous smile and squeezed me tightly, giggling all the while!! Love that smile and those dimples!!! I parked the car in Lizzy's driveway and was thinking I was rather pleased with my Grandmotherly abilities since I didn't get lost and Jian was still a happy camper, but alas, that was not to be! As Cassius got out of the car and shut the door, he managed to slam not 1 but 2 fingers in the completely closed car door. I was panic stricken just looking at his face, but when I saw those 2 fingers firmly planted in the slit of the car door, I thought I would pass out right then and there!!! I opened the door to release the fingers that should have been broken, bruised or bleeding!!! After panic, screaming, Jian still in the car wondering what was going on, and me running around like a chicken without a head, I ran to pull Jian out (I was afraid to leave him alone in the car to run Cash in the house) and grabbed Cash, quickly set Jian down, raced up the stairs with Cash to ice his fingers to find that they were not damaged in the least!! Trust me, that was a M-I-R-A-C-L-E!!! If you don't believe in miracle, now would be a good time to start!!! God is so good!!!! That was my first full day of school duty! 

Lizzy has worked really hard to get Jian to understand his new life in the Lahive home. One of the things she had to teach him was, "Mommy always comes back!"!! Imagine having to run to the grocery store, go to a parent/teacher meeting, or just leave him for ANY amount of time and having him SCREAM unmercifully because he thinks she is leaving him forever!! I believe, in my opinion, that this is part of his former life in an orphanage when changing care givers is like changing your underwear!!! Nobody stays in his life long enough! This has proved to be one of the MOST valuable lessons he has come to learn!! Especially this week with Lizzy and Mark gone for 5 days! He repeats it quite often and always with a smile on his face!!! He is so excited today because he knows this is the day she 'comes back'!!! I can't WAIT to see his face when he sees her!! (BTW: Mark and Lizzy have not left the boys EVER! In fact, they have not had an alone trip in 16 years! Think it was time???? DUH! It has been a crazy year for them physically and emotionally. I pray they had a much deserved rest and relaxation.)

So, we've learned some new tricks too this week. For instance, Cash pretty much relies on his mom for dressing him and bathing him and putting his food in front of him, HOWEVER, oh no, not Gaga! May I present to you the 'new and improved Cassius!!!'! Nicole has been great with giving the boys their bath, but I decided to do it this particular night. So Cash gets into the tub, sits down, puts his hands at his side and said to me, "Gaga, make this quick, I want to get back to my game." I said, "Ok, then hurry up and wash up." He said, "You have to do it." I said, "WHAT????" He said, "Mom gives me a bath, washes me up and washes my hair." I said, "Seriously???" He said, "Yes, seriously". "Well", I said, may I introduce you to the new and improved Cassius Lahive." He was hysterical laughing and thought that was so funny!! He said, "I don't know how." I said, "Seriously????". This kid probably has one of the highest IQ's on the planet!!! I said, "Hold out your hand." He proceeded to do so. I squeezed some bath gel into his hand, told him,  "Rub your hands together, clean your butt, front and back and rinse!!" Then he actually had to dry his own body and dress himself for bed! The rest of bath time went uneventfully and he managed to bathe and dress himself just fine. So, it may not be perfect, but really???  And he laughed the how time about the 'new and improved Cassius'! 

That same night, we were reading to the kids, playing a game or 2 on the IPAD, PLUS we had the TV on SOAPNET. Sonny (daughter Sonny) walked into the room and asked, "What's going on?" Cassius had his nose in the IPAD, so you can imagine my surprise when he said, "Well, Sonny (soap opera actor) just told his son his loyalty to him is gone and then………" OH MY! So, THAT is why the TV should be off and certainly not on a SOAP station! We all laughed our butts off except Cassius who didn't miss a beat of his IPAD game!

Monday (Feb. 3rd) will be the 10 Anniversary of our son, Paulie's death, and I can't help but think about how much he would be enjoying these little boys! He would be loving every minute as well. It is just a constant remainder of how fragile our lives are and how we should savor these days and times with our children and grandchildren. Nothing can replace this time spent with Jian and Cassius this week. I am grateful that I raised kids who WANT me to be with their kids and who found spouses who agree with them! HA! My prayer for my children is that they enjoy all of it. The hard days are the days that you learn the lessons and the easy days are the days you love what you learned. It's easy to love when things are easy. It's when things are tough that you learn unconditional love. That's the kind of love that runs so deep and so wide that NOTHING can break those bonds! This little family has had an adventurous year and lots of more  great adventures are to follow!! And God has blessed me beyond my own imaginings! My amazing family is growing and thriving! And to have the privilege to go with Lizzy, Mark and Cassius to get our 7th grand baby is just more than I could image for myself! Thank You God for the abundant blessings you shower on us daily!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Jian's speech therapy seems to be a challenge for him, eventho he loves his teacher, Uma. When he gets frustrated, he motions to us to "be quiet". I can't imagine his frustration. He knows what he is saying. Lizzy and Mark seem to get most of it, but I was quite lost. He works harder than I have EVER seen a 2 yr old work at anything! He is brilliant! I am not saying it because he is my grandson, but he really is!!! He is diligent about most things that he does. Any 2 year old is often times challenging, but adoption comes with its own special challenges that most of us would never get if we didn't experience it or see it first hand! I will say it again, the families we traveled with are some of the most amazing people I have ever had the privilege to be with!

We got a card from Annelies, LiNa's mom. When I opened the card, I squealed with excitement! She was smiling big and looked so healthy and beautiful!! It was such a joy to see that face!! If you remember, she is the one that spent time in the hospital while we were in China! We all prayed for that little one, not knowing if she would be OK or not!

We have seen pictures of our Drama Queen Bella who fits in perfectly with her 5 siblings! So adorable!

I got an email from Tina, Hollywood Jenna's mom. Jenna has had a surgery as well and is doing great!!! She is such a stunning little girl! Her parents lives are so enriched by Jenna!

The agency that Jian was adopted from has a FB page and I occasionally check it out. It is interesting to hear parents discuss their experiences. They are all so intertwined. Although each CHILD is different, the experiences seem much the same. Almost ALL the parents talk about the 6 month mark. They say it is a turning point that makes everything come together. Kids are getting used to the parents and parents getting used to the kids. Mark said Jian has 2 more weeks! LOL!!!

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

God's plans are always better than anything we can plan for ourselves. Jian has forever changed all of our lives. He radiates a special sunshine all of his own. We knew he would change our lives, but didn't realize just how much! I know this whole China experience has left an indelible mark on my heart. From spending precious time with Mark, Lizzy, Cassius and Jian to getting to know the 5 other families who shared the common thread of adoption. 

It is with great anticipation that I look forward to what the future will hold. I continue to pray that God showers them all with blessings and graces!

On another note, by the time you read this, my neice Elizabeth will have finished her last chemo treatment and is doing amazingly well, beyond anyone's expectations!! She is an extraordinary person who has handled these last 6 months with the grace that only God can provide! God is good!

I will end with this....this is not really an epilogue, but a beginning!! The beginning of new adventures, new experiences and more love than our hearts can hold or imagine!
                                             Adam, Cassius and Jian enjoying some boy time!
                                                        First Christmas picture together!!
                                                            First Christmas tree picking!!
                                                     Little Lizzy, Jian and Aunt Sonny!
                                            Little Lizzy and Jian cutting up!! He's a funny one!!

                                                              Brothers sharing ice pops!
                                           Who rules the roost here??? The one with the IPAD!

                                                            Monkey see/monkey do!!
                                                             Horse playing with his bro!
                                Who's family is this anyway!!! Jian's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Growing up in the Lahive home

What would a blog like this be without an epilogue??? Since the story really doesn't end here, I will just tell you where we are right now!!
So, Jian has, from the beginning, fit in as though he were always meant to be with us. He is famously funny, witty, charming, adorable, irresistible and crazy about shoes! He does EVERYTHING his brother does! He gives new meaning to the phrase, "MONKEY SEE- MONKEY DO".

He has had one surgery so far that was actually 2 rolled into one. He had tubes put into his ears and he had hypospadias surgery. (Hypospadias is a birth (congenital) defect in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis.) OUCH!!!!!

Poor baby! He did well after the surgery but not without taking full advantage of the situation. He figured out that if he cried, he would get to sleep with mommy and daddy... Knowing that he has an extremely high tolerance to pain, the parents figured it our pretty quickly!

Jian goes to 'school' 2 days a week for 2 hours and he LOVES it!!! I was in California last week. (Sonny had a seizure and it was the first one she had since her brain surgery a year ago! Praise God, she is great and on seizure meds for now!) So, while I was there, I went to 'school' to pick him up with Lizzy. Lizzy said, "Mom, get your camera ready, he comes out all smiles and giggles you don't want to miss it, it's priceless!"

I have my camera ready and aimed, the door swings open and sure enough, all smiles and giggles, but I couldn't take the picture because he flew straight into my arms!!! (You know I loved that part!!)

I think that learning how to juggle the schedule of 2 children is much different than when they had one, especially when one of them comes into your life as a 2 yr old, has many Dr. appointments, speech therapy, and school. I wouldn't know what to do if a 2 year old walked into my life with his own agenda. 

Cassius has been an only child for 6 years and I am in constant awe of how well he has adjusted. He is the best big brother ever. We took the boys to Manhattan Beach to the weekly Farmer's Market. Santa was going to come so the boys were highly excited! They both climbed onto Santa's lap readily! I have to say, he was the best Santa, with an authentic beard and EVERYTHING and Mrs. Clause was just as precious! After the picture, Cassius and Jian wandered about 15 feet away. Cash put his arm around Jian and was having some kind of big brother conversation. I couldn't hear it, HOWEVER, Santa did!!! Santa got out of his seat and walked over to Cash, put his hand on his should and commended him on his 'big brother' skills of kindness, patience, and great big brotherness! Santa told Cash he would remember that!!! So sweet!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Leaving the boys!

Well, leaving my boys proved to be harder than I could have imagined! 

When we arrived home to Manhattan Beach, California, I told Lizzy and Mark that I really needed to make a reservation to go home but they said they weren't sure they were ready for me to leave! I have to be honest here, surely I thought that after 21 days of close quarters, emotions in high gear, a new 2 year old to figure out, a 6 year old that is supposed to get used to another little human in his life, a new way of life for mom and dad, SURELY, they would be tired of me! Now doesn't that just make me feel so loved!!!!!  

So, I got on my iPad and found a 1/2 way decent 1 way flight home with a layover. Although it would take me an extra 2 hours to get home, it was only $350. Mark got on his iPad and in about 3 minutes my reservation was made and I had the confirmation # in hand. 

As I was getting ready, I heard a knock at my door. "Princess, your breakfast is here!" I opened the door to a beautiful bowl of fruit! It was Mark.

Mark had to get to work, so we said our goodbyes and off he went!!! Somebody needs to work after all!!! I hung out with Cash while Lizzy got her and Jian ready for the airport.

Lizzy loaded up the suitcases as I attempted to get Jian in the car. He LOVES driving and going places, however, he forgot about the carseat situation and proceeded to struggle with his short little legs to get up into the front seat! Oh no! I surely didn't want to leave on a bad foot with him but laws are laws!!! I let Lizzy put him in it and he seemed OK with it as long as the car was in motion. 

When we got to the airport and I had to kiss my boys goodbye, it was NO BUENO!!!!!!! I hated saying goodbye. I was kissing Cash more than he likes now that he is six and he says to me, "it's ok Gaga, I know your story."!!!!! OK. What do you suppose that means? He is a funny kid! I didn't want to go crazy kissing Jian because he was already starting to whimper. I squeezed Lizzy hard, I tried not to cry, turned and left!
Waaaa!!!!!! Waaaaaaaa!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! 

I am just a little distraught as I enter the terminal and not sure where to go, so I got in a line. It wasn't moving so I asked a women who looked like she might know where I was supposed to be, what line am I supposed to be in! I had a paper ticket, but I would have had to dig in my never ending purse to find my glasses to see what it said! She said, "Miss, you are in the wrong line. You are in 1st class. Step over here."
FIRST CLASS!!! WHAT!!!!?!?!!!?!

This is the text I sent my son-in-law:
"Stop the madness!!! 1st class?!?! Really!?!?! Love u so much, but would still love u if I had a layover!!!!! I can't  thank u enough for including me on this intimate experience! I loved every second (except the stink)! I really am a PRINCESS or made to feel like one by all the men in my life! Luv u n miss u all already."

This is the reply:
"You deserve every bit of pampering you may get from the men in your life. So glad you came. Welcome back home but we miss you already. Luv u."

It is a blessing beyond blessings to truly love and be loved as our whole family does. Thank You, God for the gifts and graces you shower us with daily!!!

My glass railings  and refrigerator were covered with precious notes and cards from my grand babies! I got home around 9:45 Monday night and for nearly 2 hours, Paul, Idie, Nicole, Sammy, Lizzy, Buddy and Michael checked out the 2,000 pictures I took! They asked questions and wanted to know all about their new cousin!

Lizzy sent me this picture today. She  took the boys to the farmer's market today where Cassius OBVIOUSLY got his face painted!!! Love those faces!!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

First play date!

Today was a busy day. We had visitors come and see Jian! Aunt Sharon and Uncle Leon came bearing gifts for BOTH boys! Auntie Julie was very excited that Jian was so playful with her without hesitation! I told her not to get to excited with herself, she looks like his "people"!!! Giggle, giggle!
Lindsay got a free pass because she brought Jian's first playmate, son Will!! Jian was a little hesitant because Will was in his playhouse! Thankfully Will is accommodating and he let Jian warm up to him slowly and then they got along splendidly! Thank you Lindsay! 

I need to run and pack so I have to make this short! I have been working from here for the last couple of hours as this is the last day of my Mary Kay year! Great way to celebrate the 50the Anniversary of Mary Kay.....successfully!!!

I would be remiss if I didn't say that Janet and Dave Lahive raised a great kid (man)! Love me some Mark and if I had to hand pick him, I couldn't have done better! I raised a smart chick, too! I also know that Aunt Lynne and Uncle Dave will fall in love with Jian just as we have! He is a joy! I love the kisses he gives out freely, so look out aunties and uncles, you are in for a treat!

FIRST PLAYDATE WITH WILL! Aren't they adorable!!!

THIS IS OUR SHOWOFF, HE IS ACTUALLY LAUGHING! His crying face and laughing face are the same!! But he was giggling here! And so darn cute!!! Love him! 

First full day home!

A 15 hour time change does some crazy things to your body, like falling on the kids bed and passing out! I should have taken a picture because that is what I saw as I passed their room and saw Mark sprawled across the bed! I quietly closed the door, he needed some sleep and the boys were in full rock out mode!

Jian wanted to go outside, and since Lizzy was cooking, I decided to take him in the stroller. I went about a half a block and was about to turn a corner when he pointed back the OTHER way, toward home, and called for "Ma, Ma!" so we turned around and went back home. He KNEW where his home was!!! Seriously! He is pretty clear about what he wants, so he wanted me to take him out of the stroller and he did not want to go in the house, but rather hold him. I held him close and he nuzzled into my neck and within 3 minutes he was sound asleep!!!! I was LOVING HIS  CUDDLY LITTLE  BODY IN MY ARMS!! SWEET!

Aunt Sonny was here and it was all giggles and laughter! He loves being chased and tickled, but what he really loves (but I admit I love it more!) is when I pretend like I can't find him. I yell out, "Jian, Jian, where are you? Where is Jian?" He comes barreling into my legs with arms open, wraps them tighly around my legs, and looks up at me like, "I am right here Gaga, where I belong!!!" PRICELESS!!

I personally passed out on the couch while Cash had Scooby full blast on the TV and Jian was coloring with Aunt Sonny.  I was super tired I guess! I needed it, too!!!!! Giggle, giggle!

I know Aunt Idie is chomping at the bit to be with him!!! Don't be jealous, Idie, you will have them all to yoursel, along with mommy, daddy, Aunt Sonny, Sammy, Lizzy, Buddy, Michael, Aunt Nicole and Alyssa! Make it count!!!

Mark and I were talking tonight (precious time we get to spend talking at night while Lizzy puts Jian down) about our trip and being able to write some thoughts down through the blog. One day Jian may enjoy reading these pages and seeing how loved he was from the get go!!! I may be 90 by the time he reads them, but he will appreciate them one day. Mark was sharing comments from one of his long time friends. I loved Mark's reply to the email and asked if I could put it here in the blog. These are his words and I loved what he had to say:

"Glad to be back. China was a great experience but happy to be home.  Jian has us and the world by the shorties and knows it.  He is hilarious, a joker and awesome.  Cash is warming to the challenge but it is one, a big one, taking on a baby bro who comes in at 2 with a fully fueled motor.  Jian was made for us. I can't say it any other way.  I can't imagine someone else being his parents or us adopting someone different.  This is our guy.  And I think he definitely agrees.  

That said the trip was a lesson in humility.  You know I'm not much of a bible thumper but the efforts from adoptive parents and volunteers we saw was amazing.  Some strangers on the street stopped us and gave us a thumbs up and bowed.  We are not worthy but it was still moving.  One of our guides said orphans in china have 0% chance of adoption in china, which may be feel good stuff but wow, seeing at least 6 kids joined with families they didn't know they could have was right up there with anything I've done.  It was one of the most human experiences ever hanging out I the hotel hall with other parents and their new kids all trying to adjust and weather the storm.  Hello perspective."

As I was starting to write tonight, there was a soft knock on my door. Mark wanted to share one more thing with me. While Lizzy was trying desperately  to figure out how to download the over 1,000 pictures I took and Mark and I were chatting, Cash went into Lizzy and Mark 's bedroom and crawled into bed with his brother! I wish I could have taken a picture, but it was too dark! PRICELESS!! 

All is working out better than we could have possibly imagined in the Lahive home.  On the East coast homefront, Elizabeth Ida had clean margins and lymph nodes came back negative. She still has decisions to make and Drs. to consult with. Please keep praying, that's our most powerful defense! Thank you for praying and sharing your thoughts on our blog! I am keeping your comments for Jian as well. I think they will be just as important to him! 

So, tomorrow as our California family heads to church in the morning, there will be extra prayers of thanksgiving! We are an extremely blessed family and we know it! 

Aunt Sonny and Jian taking a coloring break! Look at Cash in the background! Serious game!

Jian making Sushi!
