Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Jian's speech therapy seems to be a challenge for him, eventho he loves his teacher, Uma. When he gets frustrated, he motions to us to "be quiet". I can't imagine his frustration. He knows what he is saying. Lizzy and Mark seem to get most of it, but I was quite lost. He works harder than I have EVER seen a 2 yr old work at anything! He is brilliant! I am not saying it because he is my grandson, but he really is!!! He is diligent about most things that he does. Any 2 year old is often times challenging, but adoption comes with its own special challenges that most of us would never get if we didn't experience it or see it first hand! I will say it again, the families we traveled with are some of the most amazing people I have ever had the privilege to be with!

We got a card from Annelies, LiNa's mom. When I opened the card, I squealed with excitement! She was smiling big and looked so healthy and beautiful!! It was such a joy to see that face!! If you remember, she is the one that spent time in the hospital while we were in China! We all prayed for that little one, not knowing if she would be OK or not!

We have seen pictures of our Drama Queen Bella who fits in perfectly with her 5 siblings! So adorable!

I got an email from Tina, Hollywood Jenna's mom. Jenna has had a surgery as well and is doing great!!! She is such a stunning little girl! Her parents lives are so enriched by Jenna!

The agency that Jian was adopted from has a FB page and I occasionally check it out. It is interesting to hear parents discuss their experiences. They are all so intertwined. Although each CHILD is different, the experiences seem much the same. Almost ALL the parents talk about the 6 month mark. They say it is a turning point that makes everything come together. Kids are getting used to the parents and parents getting used to the kids. Mark said Jian has 2 more weeks! LOL!!!

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

God's plans are always better than anything we can plan for ourselves. Jian has forever changed all of our lives. He radiates a special sunshine all of his own. We knew he would change our lives, but didn't realize just how much! I know this whole China experience has left an indelible mark on my heart. From spending precious time with Mark, Lizzy, Cassius and Jian to getting to know the 5 other families who shared the common thread of adoption. 

It is with great anticipation that I look forward to what the future will hold. I continue to pray that God showers them all with blessings and graces!

On another note, by the time you read this, my neice Elizabeth will have finished her last chemo treatment and is doing amazingly well, beyond anyone's expectations!! She is an extraordinary person who has handled these last 6 months with the grace that only God can provide! God is good!

I will end with this....this is not really an epilogue, but a beginning!! The beginning of new adventures, new experiences and more love than our hearts can hold or imagine!
                                             Adam, Cassius and Jian enjoying some boy time!
                                                        First Christmas picture together!!
                                                            First Christmas tree picking!!
                                                     Little Lizzy, Jian and Aunt Sonny!
                                            Little Lizzy and Jian cutting up!! He's a funny one!!

                                                              Brothers sharing ice pops!
                                           Who rules the roost here??? The one with the IPAD!

                                                            Monkey see/monkey do!!
                                                             Horse playing with his bro!
                                Who's family is this anyway!!! Jian's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Growing up in the Lahive home

What would a blog like this be without an epilogue??? Since the story really doesn't end here, I will just tell you where we are right now!!
So, Jian has, from the beginning, fit in as though he were always meant to be with us. He is famously funny, witty, charming, adorable, irresistible and crazy about shoes! He does EVERYTHING his brother does! He gives new meaning to the phrase, "MONKEY SEE- MONKEY DO".

He has had one surgery so far that was actually 2 rolled into one. He had tubes put into his ears and he had hypospadias surgery. (Hypospadias is a birth (congenital) defect in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis.) OUCH!!!!!

Poor baby! He did well after the surgery but not without taking full advantage of the situation. He figured out that if he cried, he would get to sleep with mommy and daddy... Knowing that he has an extremely high tolerance to pain, the parents figured it our pretty quickly!

Jian goes to 'school' 2 days a week for 2 hours and he LOVES it!!! I was in California last week. (Sonny had a seizure and it was the first one she had since her brain surgery a year ago! Praise God, she is great and on seizure meds for now!) So, while I was there, I went to 'school' to pick him up with Lizzy. Lizzy said, "Mom, get your camera ready, he comes out all smiles and giggles you don't want to miss it, it's priceless!"

I have my camera ready and aimed, the door swings open and sure enough, all smiles and giggles, but I couldn't take the picture because he flew straight into my arms!!! (You know I loved that part!!)

I think that learning how to juggle the schedule of 2 children is much different than when they had one, especially when one of them comes into your life as a 2 yr old, has many Dr. appointments, speech therapy, and school. I wouldn't know what to do if a 2 year old walked into my life with his own agenda. 

Cassius has been an only child for 6 years and I am in constant awe of how well he has adjusted. He is the best big brother ever. We took the boys to Manhattan Beach to the weekly Farmer's Market. Santa was going to come so the boys were highly excited! They both climbed onto Santa's lap readily! I have to say, he was the best Santa, with an authentic beard and EVERYTHING and Mrs. Clause was just as precious! After the picture, Cassius and Jian wandered about 15 feet away. Cash put his arm around Jian and was having some kind of big brother conversation. I couldn't hear it, HOWEVER, Santa did!!! Santa got out of his seat and walked over to Cash, put his hand on his should and commended him on his 'big brother' skills of kindness, patience, and great big brotherness! Santa told Cash he would remember that!!! So sweet!